Dyslexia Friendly Reading Tools – How Dyslexics Read Easier?

December 18, 2019
by Vanja Andrić

Dyslexics struggle with reading due to different neural pathways in their brains. Dyslexia also causes a hard time with spelling, writing and reading comprehension.

Even though they have a hard time reading, the world we live in makes reading crucial for so many aspects of life. These issues are most obvious earlier in life, in education. Their effect makes the most impact on kids’ future lives.

činjenice o disleksiji dyslexia reading facts

Dyslexia – Reading Tools Can Make The Text More Readable

The improvement of reading skills is achievable. For that, one needs to read. To read as much as possible – reading needs to be enjoyable. Reading needs to be easy. And exactly that is the purpose of our reading and learning platform Lexie that is full of dyslexia friendly reading tools.

So how do we do that? The core of the solution is our dyslexia friendly font family – OmoType. It has 5 different types, it is variable and enables high personalisation of the text. The Readability Consortium did a research that confirms individuated typography can boost reading speed and comprehension.

That is exactly what OmoType enables. It's variable components enables fine tuning of the looks of the text to the individual's needs, therefore helps with decoding letters and words. For any dyslexic, if the word is easier to decode it will be easier to read. So the first step for dyslexic readers is to select the font type that makes the text easier for them to read.


After that, the rest of the text fitting is fine tuning of the specific needs that make the text more readable. In addition to that range of text customization features dyslexics use the most to read easier are :

  • Marked syllables for better reading rhythm
  • Change text line heights and space between the letters to make the text less dense
  • Marked mirror letters for better letter recognition
  • An animated line that helps with focus and speed

Omoguru's dyslexia friendly application, next to all other tools, also offers Text-to-Speech.  Text-to-Speech is a great extension to everything mentioned before. In combination with other tools (i.e. syllabication) plus the tools added to Text-to-Speech like line or word highlight it can be amazing tools in improve reading skills. But also to relax and enjoy listening and learning. 

What Users, Dyslexia & EdTech Experts Say About Us?


Owen Kowalski, The Life Dyslexic:


“I would recommend Omoguru to anyone who is struggling with their reading and suggest they give it a try. I am sure a more digitally orientated dyslexic would find it a huge asset to their arsenal.”


Fin’s Mom, Private Message:


“Fin loved the app, by the way. Is genuinely excited about it, and tried to use it to read a book this morning while we were asleep. Him wanting to read a book on his own is definitely a first, so thank you!”


Ivana Feric, Facebook:


“A great tool that discovered a world of books to my child. Reads easier, she’s less frustrated and has more desire to read (learn)🥰”

Easier To Read, More Pleasure,
and Confidence

When we take a look at how dyslexics adjust the text in the app we can see that each one prefers different text looks. This way dyslexia manifestations don’t make it so difficult to read as they did before using the app. Another great benefit of our dyslexia reading tools is that dyslexics read easier the lines that are shorter.

The next step is to read. As they improve letter recognition they will be able to make new adjustments with the text. Our goal is that at one point a dyslexic reader doesn’t need to heavily rely on Lexie or other dyslexia reading tools anymore. At that point, they would be able to read any text around them easier, and with more pleasure and confidence.

Lexie alati za čitanje i prilagodbu teksta

Support and Create Space For Positive Sides of Dyslexia

We aim to support kids during their education. We want to make it easier for dyslexic students to read the necessary literature and improve reading skills. It is an important period in life to improve.

They will be more independent and able to tackle anything that life throws as they move forward. It is important to read. It would be amazing if more dyslexics would have the ability to go through life with better reading skills, carrying fewer issues from the early days. Focusing more on the positive sides of dyslexia.

So far, this kind of solution was only supported by therapy – which is not available to many. Our goal is to extend the adjusted reading practice outside of the therapy. We’re not looking to replace it, but support this process in any way we can.

Use Text to Speech to speed up your school and work. Convert photos of a page in a book. It helps parents, teachers and speech therapists.

* Use Personal tier first 30 days for FREE  

* No credit card required 

Learn ALL about Lexie